Price Determination for Holstein Heifers | Calves |Bulls (FOB $ PRICE):

✔️Bottle-feeding calves of between 6 and 8 weeks $350 each
✔️Older calves(Weaned) $550 each
✔️Yearling cows $750 each
✔️Pregnant heifers $1100 each
✔️Bulls ( Adults) $800 each


Import Holstein Friesian Dairy Cattle

Considered the best dairy cattle in the world, consider importing the Holstein Friesian cattle to your country. You can benefit from their high milk yields, with up to 18,000 litres of milk per lactation, with 3.82% fat, 3.21% protein and an average lactation period of 305 days.


.Bottle-feeding calves

.Older Holstein Friesian calves(Weaned)
.Yearling Holstein cows
.Incalf Holstein Heifers
.pregnant Holstein heifers
.Bulls, Steers .

Make a Trade Enquiry

As the demand for dairy products increases worldwide, there is a growing demand for high quality dairy breeding stock. You can grow your business with an investment in Holstein Friesian dairy cattle. Import the Holstein cow into your country today – we can help

Choose PAALFARMERS As Your Holstein Friesian Supplier

Benefit from our extensive, Australia-wide supply network and strong vendor relationships, supply-chain infrastructure direct ‘farm to export’ model, using no middlemen.

Australia’s Livestock Exporters has been involved with the holstein friesian trade for numerous years and we have the capacity and experience to supply world class dairy heifers to your local market.

Highly experienced in the buying and selling of cattle across the dairy industry, we are confident that we can help you.

Holstein Characteristics
  • Holstein cows have a recognizable pattern of black and white (or sometimes red and white) markings across their hides, with distinct pattern borders throughout.
  • They are a large cow, growing up to 630 kg in adulthood.
  • They have an average shoulder height of 1.47 meters.

fun facts about Holstein cattle?

Holstein calves weigh 80 to100 pounds when born. Holstein cows take the top awards in milk production. The average cow produces about 25,000 pounds, or around 2,900 gallons, of milk each lactation or milking, cycle.
How long do Holstein cows produce milk?

After giving birth, mothers lactate for about 10 months. Then, they are impregnated again. This cycle continues until cows are around 5 years old. At this point, their bodies are considered “spent” and no longer useful to the industry.

How much milk does a Holstein cow produce per day?
9 gallons
Holstein cows give more milk than any other dairy breed in the U.S. The average Holstein cow produces around 23,000 pounds of milk, or 2,674 gallons, of milk each lactation. With a standard lactation lasting 305 days, that comes out to 75 pounds, or almost 9 gallons of milk per cow per day.

✔️Documents and certificates that accompanies Livestock shipment:
-Full Pedigree certificates,
-Full veterinary records,
-Organic grass-feed certificate,
-pregnancy certificate,
-Certificate of origin of animals
-Certificate of Non-Criminal Origin
-Official Certificate from herdbook
-DVD and Manual on care and diet of livestock chosen from PAALFARMERS.
-Letter of Intent from Buyer or Consignee – LOI
-Full Corperate Offer – FCO
-Proforma Invoice -PI

✔️Dairy cattle breeds AVAILABLE:

Holstein Friesian, Jersey cattle, Ayrshire cattle, Guernsey cattle, Brown Swiss cattle, Dairy Shorthorn, Illawarra Shorthorn, Canadienne cattle, Sahiwal cattle, Bulls, steers, Ox, High grade cattle gallstones, Hides and skins, leather,

✔️Beef cattle breeds AVAILABLE:

Bonsmara, Brahman, Aberdeen Angus, Boran Hereford cattle, Limousin cattle, American Brahman, Charolais cattle, Simmental cattle, Shorthorn, Belted Galloway, Bull Beef Master, Nguni,  Bulls, steers, Ox/cow gallstones, Hides and skins, leather, frozen beef, halal meat.


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