Price Determination for Brown Swiss Heifers | calves | Bulls (FOB $ PRICE):

✔️Bottle-feeding calves of between 6 and 8 weeks €300 each
✔️Older calves(Weaned) $570 each
✔️Yearling cows $860 each
✔️Pregnant heifers $1050 each
✔️Bulls ( Adults) $800 each


Import Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle

The Brown Swiss or Braunvieh is light brown in colour with a creamy white muzzle and dark noze, dark-blue eye pigmentation which helps the breed to resist extreme solar radiation. Brown Swiss cattle have been bred horned and polled, when horned the horns are short and white growing dark towards the top. Brown Swiss are robust, a prolific breeder, long-lived, strong, adaptable, and very well-balanced in build with good hooves and limbs.


This breed has a double utility as they are used for dairy and beef purposes providing good milk and meat output.

Milk producers throughout the world are adding Brown Swiss to their herds daily, because of the good milk, protein, and butter fat production. Their correct feet and legs allow them to stay in the milking herd for more lactations than many other breeds.
The milk of the Brown Swiss cow is coveted by cheese makers. The volume of milk plus the protein produced by Brown Swiss makes the best milk for the fluid and cheese markets. Brown Swiss breeders benefit from the best fat-to-protein ratio of any of the dairy breeds for production of most cheeses.

Import Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle

The Brown Swiss or Braunvieh is light brown in colour with a creamy white muzzle and dark noze, dark-blue eye pigmentation which helps the breed to resist extreme solar radiation. Brown Swiss cattle have been bred horned and polled, when horned the horns are short and white growing dark towards the top. Brown Swiss are robust, a prolific breeder, long-lived, strong, adaptable, and very well-balanced in build with good hooves and limbs.


This breed has a double utility as they are used for dairy and beef purposes providing good milk and meat output.

Milk producers throughout the world are adding Brown Swiss to their herds daily, because of the good milk, protein, and butter fat production. Their correct feet and legs allow them to stay in the milking herd for more lactations than many other breeds.
The milk of the Brown Swiss cow is coveted by cheese makers. The volume of milk plus the protein produced by Brown Swiss makes the best milk for the fluid and cheese markets. Brown Swiss breeders benefit from the best fat-to-protein ratio of any of the dairy breeds for production of most cheeses.

  • Close protein/fat ratio – Brown Swiss milk possesses the closest protein/fat ratio of any dairy breed.
  • Feet and legs – Properly structured legs allies to strong, hard, black, well formed feet, that mean Brown Swiss cattle have few problems. No doubt this is one of the key qualities that enable many Brown Swiss to continue producing in the herd until they are 12-15 years of age.
  • Quiet Temperament – Dairymen, members of the association, all of whom have worked with a variety of breeds are completely unanimous in their praise of the docile temperament and inquisitive nature of these quiet cattle.
  • Longevity – The characteristic longevity of the breed is very evident in the Brown Swiss. While the breed tends to be later maturing than other breeds, cows tend to reach their peak in 5th or later lactations. Some breeds find it difficult to reach this stage, while the strength of the Brown Swiss allows them to lead long productive lives.
  • Strength & Hybrid Vigour – Brown Swiss cows are cattle of great substance and strength. The experience of having cows ‘go down’ with metabolic problems or any other reason is rare amongst Brown Swiss owners.
  • Brown Swiss are renowned for their role when crossed with other dairy breeds or for that fact with beef breeds as well, in generally improving the production and strength of the parent breed. This is evident throughout the world from the tropics to the alpine regions.
  • Braunvieh bulls are noted for their scrotal and testicular development at a young age and are capable, fertile breeders at 12 to 14 months of age.

✔️Documents and certificates that accompanies Livestock shipment:

-Full Pedigree certificates,
-Full veterinary records,
-Organic grass-feed certificate,
-pregnancy certificate,
-Certificate of origin of animals
-Certificate of Non-Criminal Origin
-Official Certificate from herdbook
-DVD and Manual on care and diet of livestock chosen from PAALFARMERS.

-Letter of Intent from Buyer or Consignee – LOI
-Full Corperate Offer – FCO
-Proforma Invoice -PI

✔️Dairy cattle breeds AVAILABLE:

Holstein Friesian, Jersey cattle, Ayrshire cattle, Guernsey cattle, Brown Swiss cattle, Dairy Shorthorn, Illawarra Shorthorn, Canadienne cattle, Sahiwal cattle, Bulls, steers, Ox, High grade cattle gallstones, Hides and skins, leather,

✔️Beef cattle breeds AVAILABLE:

Bonsmara, Brahman, Aberdeen Angus, Boran Hereford cattle, Limousin cattle, American Brahman, Charolais cattle, Simmental cattle, Shorthorn, Belted Galloway, Bull Beef Master, Nguni,  Bulls, steers, Ox/cow gallstones, Hides and skins, leather, frozen beef, halal meat.

Close protein/fat ratio – Brown Swiss milk possesses the closest protein/fat ratio of any dairy breed.

  • Feet and legs – Properly structured legs allies to strong, hard, black, well formed feet, that mean Brown Swiss cattle have few problems. No doubt this is one of the key qualities that enable many Brown Swiss to continue producing in the herd until they are 12-15 years of age.
  • Quiet Temperament – Dairymen, members of the association, all of whom have worked with a variety of breeds are completely unanimous in their praise of the docile temperament and inquisitive nature of these quiet cattle.
  • Longevity – The characteristic longevity of the breed is very evident in the Brown Swiss. While the breed tends to be later maturing than other breeds, cows tend to reach their peak in 5th or later lactations. Some breeds find it difficult to reach this stage, while the strength of the Brown Swiss allows them to lead long productive lives.
  • Strength & Hybrid Vigour – Brown Swiss cows are cattle of great substance and strength. The experience of having cows ‘go down’ with metabolic problems or any other reason is rare amongst Brown Swiss owners.
  • Brown Swiss are renowned for their role when crossed with other dairy breeds or for that fact with beef breeds as well, in generally improving the production and strength of the parent breed. This is evident throughout the world from the tropics to the alpine regions.
  • Braunvieh bulls are noted for their scrotal and testicular development at a young age and are capable, fertile breeders at 12 to 14 months of age.

✔️Documents and certificates that accompanies Livestock shipment:

-Full Pedigree certificates,
-Full veterinary records,
-Organic grass-feed certificate,
-pregnancy certificate,
-Certificate of origin of animals
-Certificate of Non-Criminal Origin
-Official Certificate from herdbook
-DVD and Manual on care and diet of livestock chosen from PAALFARMERS.

-Letter of Intent from Buyer or Consignee – LOI
-Full Corperate Offer – FCO
-Proforma Invoice -PI

✔️Dairy cattle breeds AVAILABLE:

Holstein Friesian, Jersey cattle, Ayrshire cattle, Guernsey cattle, Brown Swiss cattle, Dairy Shorthorn, Illawarra Shorthorn, Canadienne cattle, Sahiwal cattle, Bulls, steers, Ox, High grade cattle gallstones, Hides and skins, leather,

✔️Beef cattle breeds AVAILABLE:

Bonsmara, Brahman, Aberdeen Angus, Boran Hereford cattle, Limousin cattle, American Brahman, Charolais cattle, Simmental cattle, Shorthorn, Belted Galloway, Bull Beef Master, Nguni,  Bulls, steers, Ox/cow gallstones, Hides and skins, leather, frozen beef, halal meat.


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