Price Determination for Meatmasters sheep| Ewes| Rams | Lambs (FOB $ PRICE):

✔️bottle-feeding lambs( 1 and 3 months old)… $75 each
 ✔️Older lambs (4-11 months old) … $105 each
✔️Yearlinr Ewes (12-15 months old)..$125 each
✔️Pregnant ewes…. $155 each

✔️Mature Rams (Male sheep)…$135 each


Category: Meat type

Country: South Africa

Home tract: A composite sheep breed developed in South Africa. C.R. Collett in the Venterstad district of the Eastern Cape, bred a fairly large number of White Dorper X Damara sheep as well as a number of other Damara crossbreds. Subsequent selection led to a Meatmaster type of sheep. It is recommended that the Meatmaster should have 50% Damara blood, a Dorper component and it may include varying components from Ile de France, Van Rooy, SA Mutton Merino, Dormer, Wiltshire Horn and other sheep breeds. Found mainly in the central and western extensive sheep breeding areas of South Africa.

Morphological characteristics

Body: Average sized

Body coat: Any colour or a combination of colours with good skin pigmentation. The covering must consist of short, shiny hair with an underlying blanket of fluffy fine wool.

Horns: Both sexes are polled, however, lite horns in both sexes is however acceptable

Tail: Not longer than the hocks; neat wedge-shape or uniformly thin tail, with only a moderate covering of fat

Legs: Well-placed legs for excellent walking ability.

Morphometric traits

Body weight: Birth weight – 3.4 kg male kg, female –kg; Adult male – 65 kg, female – 52 kg

Reproductive traits

Age at first lambing: 14 months

Litter size: 1.15

Production traits

Slaughter age: 5 months with a body weight of 38 kg


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